Tom Whitmore

Let's explore!

Fabio Mauroner

photo of Fabio Mauroner

Fabio Mauroner

Fabio Mauroner (1884 – 1948) was an engraver who spent most of his career in Venice. His prints were primarily of Italian and European landscapes and cityscapes, including some authoritative images of Rome and Venice.

Though not well known today, Mauroner was highly regarded in his time. His prints were included in several of the Best Prints volumes of the 1930s, and are in the collections of museums including the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

John Taylor Arms, arguably the finest American etcher of the 20th century, was known to have set aside a copy of each of his own prints to send to Mauroner.

Elizabeth Whitmore (Tom Whitmore’s grandmother) was Mauroner’s American publisher, selling his prints through her business The Print Corner in Hingham, Massachusetts. Tom has a number of Mauroner’s prints from her private collection, including the one below (“The Ghetto”).

If you are interested in Mauroner prints, please email Tom.

"The Ghetto" print by Fabio Mauroner

“The Ghetto” print by Fabio Mauroner

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