Tom Whitmore

Let's explore!

Conference Services

Support for conferences, events, and conventions

Tom Whitmore is a past co-chair of WorldCon (the international science fiction convention) and was on the founding board of the Cohousing Association of the United States. He is a representative to the Washington state chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association. For many years he has been involved in the planning and running of large-scale community events.

Conference Services

  • Program planning. Tom has been on the convention committees for Fourth Street in Minneapolis, Potlatch in the Pacific Northwest, and Foolscap in Seattle. He recently served on the staffs for Sasquan and CoNZealand.
  • Volunteer training. Tom has extensive experience training volunteers for Worldcons and other large conventions and events.
  • On-site safety and operations work. Tom’s operations experience includes the San Francisco Pride Parade, Worldcons, and major conventions in the science fiction community. Tom and his partner, Karen G. Anderson, served on the production team for the 10x Medical Device conferences.
  • Auctions. Tom has worked as an auctioneer at conventions including Potlatch, Foolscap, and the first North American Discworld Convention (where he and Pat Harkin auctioned off more than 130 items to raise more than $23,000 to benefit the Orangutan Foundation and The Alzheimer’s Research Trust).


For more information about convention planning and services, please send Tom email.